What is Included
Included in rates
- Bed and household linens
- Electricity, water, gas
- Internet WIFI
- Welcome drink
Not included in rates
- Cancellation insurance
- Extra person : starting from 60.00 EUR Per Guest/night
- Housekeeping
Rental conditions
- Children welcome
- It is not allowed to organise events in the property without prior approval by Villanovo
- No safety fence around the pool
- Noise (and loud music) are prohibited by law from 22h, thank you to respect that.
- Pets allowed (after acceptance of the owner)
- Pool has no swimming guard
- Small size pets considered
- Smoking is not allowed inside the house
- The house must be returned in the same condition of check in. Otherwise fees can be charged to the customer.
- This property is self catering. In-house cooking can be arranged on request.
- Language spoken by staff : English - Spanish - Italian
- Check-in :
16:00 h - Check out :
10:00 h- Amount of security deposit :
500.00 EUR- Security deposit must be paid in the form of :
In cash at the time of check-inReservation conditions
- Guarantee deposit charged by Villanovo upon reservation :
30 % - 2nd payment
35 Days to arrival day :
70 % of total amount of reservation is due to Villanovo.
- The reservation price does not include optional incidentals or on-request items which will be added to your final bill.
Cancellation policy and cancellation fees
- Any booking modification or cancellation must be sent to us by email
- Cancellation policy is applied according to villa local time
- For all cancellations, the initial guarantee deposit is non-refundable.
- Cancellation occurs less than
35 Days to arrival day :
100 % of total amount of reservation is due to Villanovo.
- No show
100 % of total amount of reservation is due to Villanovo