If you have landed in our guide of useful phrases it is probably because your next travel destination is the beautiful Portugal. You will find here what you need to communicate once on the spot and avoid misunderstandings, because not knowing the language of the country can sometimes be a bad idea.
The first thing you need to know is that the Portuguese will do their best to be understood, even if they do not know your language. However, they will be very grateful if you do the same thing, because it is a sign of interest in their land. So like every day we have to learn something new, let's start!
Hello - Bom dia
Good evening - Boa noite
How are you? - Como vai?
Very good, thanks - Muito bem, obrigado / a
Thanks - Obrigado / a (depending on the gender)
Excuse me - Com licença
No, thanks - Não obrigado
Yes - Sim
No - Não
You’re welcome - De nada
How much is it? - Quanto custa?
I'm just looking - Estou apenas olhando
It is very expensive! - E muito caro!
It's cheap - É muito barato
Do you accept credit cards? - ¿Aceita cartões de crédito?
I want to go to... - Eu quero ir a...
Airplane - Avião
Train - Trem
Taxi - Táxi
Bus - Ônibus
Car - Carro
City centre - Centro da cidade
Left - Esquerda
Right - Direita
I'm lost - Eu estou perdido / a
I'm hungry - Eu estou com fome
I'm thirsty - Eu estou com sede
Cheers! - Bom apetite
What do you recommend? - O que você me aconselha?
I am allergic - Eu sou alérgico / a
Water - Água
The bill, please - A conta por favor.
A table for one person, please - Uma mesa para uma pessoa, por favor.