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Useful Words and Phrases in Bali

When travelling it is often helpful to know a few words and phrases of a language in order to be able to interact with the locals. Villanovo have gathered information on the most useful words and phrases for your next trip. 

Useful Words and Phrases in Bali - Bali


Hello - Halo
Good morning - Selamat pagi
Good afternoon - Selamat sore
Good evening - Selamat malam
Good night - Selamat malam
Goodbye - Selamat Jalan


Please - Minta
Thank you - Terima kasih
You are welcome - Inggih!
Excuse me - Permissi or Tiang pamit
How are you? Apa Kabar
- I’m good - Kabar baik
- I’m great - baik baik
I’m sorry - Saya minta ma’af
Yes - Ya
No - Tidak
Help! - Tolong!
I’m lost - Saya tersesat
I need a doctor - Saya perlu dokter
My name is… - Nama saya…
I am from… - Saya dari…
I (don’t) understand - Saya (tidak) mengerti
I don’t speak Indonesian - Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia


Where is the bathroom? - Di mana kamar kecil?
Can I have the bill please? - Minta bon?
What time is it? - Jam berapa?
How much is this? - Berapa harganya?
Do you speak English? - Bisa bicara bahasa Inggris?


Bank - Bank
Taxi - Taksi
Police - Polisi
Station - Stasiun
Airport - Bandara
Restaurant - Restoran
Hospital - Hospital
Hotel - Hotel


0 - Nio
1 - Satu
2 - Dua
3 - Tiga
4 - Empat
5 - Lima
6 - Enam
7 - Tujuh
8 - Delapan
9 - Sembilan
10 - Sepuluh

Discover our selection of luxury villas for your next trip Bali

Villa Illia

6 Bedrooms

Des Indes I

4 Bedrooms

Villa Anoyan

4 Bedrooms