When travelling it is often helpful to know a few words and phrases of a language in order to be able to interact with the locals. Villanovo have gathered information on the most useful words and phrases for your next trip.
Hello - Halo
Good morning - Selamat pagi
Good afternoon - Selamat sore
Good evening - Selamat malam
Good night - Selamat malam
Goodbye - Selamat Jalan
Please - Minta
Thank you - Terima kasih
You are welcome - Inggih!
Excuse me - Permissi or Tiang pamit
How are you? Apa Kabar
- I’m good - Kabar baik
- I’m great - baik baik
I’m sorry - Saya minta ma’af
Yes - Ya
No - Tidak
Help! - Tolong!
I’m lost - Saya tersesat
I need a doctor - Saya perlu dokter
My name is… - Nama saya…
I am from… - Saya dari…
I (don’t) understand - Saya (tidak) mengerti
I don’t speak Indonesian - Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia
Where is the bathroom? - Di mana kamar kecil?
Can I have the bill please? - Minta bon?
What time is it? - Jam berapa?
How much is this? - Berapa harganya?
Do you speak English? - Bisa bicara bahasa Inggris?
Bank - Bank
Taxi - Taksi
Police - Polisi
Station - Stasiun
Airport - Bandara
Restaurant - Restoran
Hospital - Hospital
Hotel - Hotel
0 - Nio
1 - Satu
2 - Dua
3 - Tiga
4 - Empat
5 - Lima
6 - Enam
7 - Tujuh
8 - Delapan
9 - Sembilan
10 - Sepuluh